Blast Your Biceps - Arm Specialization Workout Program!

Stretch Overload Training - The Most Neglected Training Technique That Can Increase Your Muscle Fiber Growth By As Much As 334%

"Using this approach produced the greatest gains in muscle mass ever recorded in an animal or human model of tension-induced overload, up to 334 percent increase in muscle mass with up to a 90 percent increase in fiber number!"
[Antonio and Gonyea. Med Sci Sprts Exerc. 25: 1333-45. (1993)]

Of all aspects of bodybuilding training, stretching is the one part that is most often ignored and misunderstood by the majority gym junkies. It is just one of those things that seems to get pushed off to the side as not that important.

Right now when you think of stretching you probably picture a skinny yoga master twisted up in some funky new age pose...

But that is NOT the type of stretching I'm referring to here. ("Thank Goodness!" say with a sigh of relief :-)

Stretch Overload Training, also known as, "Extreme Stretching", or "Stretching With Weights" is something totally different that will enhance muscle growth from hyperplasia (i.e. muscle-fiber splitting).

Stretch Overload Training will expand the connective tissue and fascia, which surrounds the muscles, and there by enable the muscles to grow bigger and stronger.

The typical static stretches that most people do just won't cut it. To increase muscle fiber growth from this technique you have to have kick things up a notch and incorporate Progressive Overload into to your stretching.

Just like you need to have progressive overload built in your strength training workouts or else you'll plateau very quickly.

Bicep Blasting Tips:

The BEST Arm Exercises For Explosive Growth

How To Increase Muscle Fiber Growth By 334%

Unleash New Arm Growth From The Inside Out

Where Do You Get Your Muscle Building Advice?

What's Included In The "Blast Your Biceps" Program?

The connective tissues that surround the muscles is very tuff and hugs the muscle fibers tight. This can actually constrict expansion and growth. For maximum muscle hypertrophy to occur the surrounding fascia needs to be stretched and become more pliable in order to give the muscle fibers room enough to expand grow bigger.

Stretching With Weights...

Certain exercises stretch out the muscles more then others. In the case of arm training, 2 of the best "stretching exercises" are 90 Degree Angle Dumbbell Preacher Curls for the biceps, and Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions for the triceps.

Dumbbell Preacher Curls & Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

With these movements you can work your arms through a full range of motion and even get a slight "stretch rebound" out of the bottom position without risking injury. This will help to not only fully stretch and activate more muscle fibers, but it will help to release anabolic hormones inside the muscle tissue.

A lot of the old time bodybuilders instinctively knew that adding stretch exercises into their workouts helped spur on new muscle growth. And even with most of today's top pro's they also include Stretch Overload Training as part of their routines to develop that thick full round muscle look.

By including Stretch Overload Exercises in your arm workouts you will literally be able to see noticeable improvement in your muscle fullness within the matter of a few short weeks.

I personally used this Stretch Overload Training Technique in my own workouts to help take one of my weakest bodyparts, my skinny stubborn arms, and turn them into one of my strengths.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, in the "Blast Your Biceps" program you'll see how to take this mass building Stretch Overload Technique to the next level, and learn some killer moves that can literally pack a solid inch of muscular mass on your upper arms in the next 30 days!

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